Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is what Faith and Cooper do for most of the day... who knows what our neighbors are thinking... (Crazy Mom letting her kids run naked and play in 5 gallon buckets!!

And no he is not stuck!


Jennie said...

so cute!! who cares what the neighbors think! the kids are having fun!!

... and you have blackmail pics for when they get older! :)

Kristen said...

That's not QUITE naked so I think you're okay.

Sharon said...

Hey they are entertaining themselves and having a good time so who cares what the neighbors think! :)

Amy N. said...

haha that is so cute...they are probably thinking "dang those redneck idahoans sure have cute kids!" hehe :)

Danielle said...

All the COOLEST grown ups grew up playing with Buckets....coming from one who KNOWS :)

Unknown said...

ha! I agree with Amy!!!! They are too cute and Coop is getting sooo big!!