Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today the kids and I spent most of the day cleaning out
drawers and closets, you know getting rid of the summer
stuff and making sure they each have enough winter stuff.
As you can see Cooper found his winter hat and had to wear
it all day he even had to wear it while he was eating lunch.
(Oh and by the way YES he is still wearing his pajamas)


Amy N. said...

OH what a cute little guy! I LOVE this stage where they are still your baby, but are getting their own personality and style.

Sharon said...

He is so going to be the heart-throb of Oakley! I'm glad that I am not the only one who's still in their pj's long after they should be ready for the day:)


I'm always in my PJ's at home if I don't have to work or go anywhere that day. That's a pretty cute hat on Cooper. Oliver loves his ball caps, but we can't get him to keep a beanie on his head. Must be too itchy or something.

Kat said...

Hey Cooper don't worry Aunt Kat is never out of her pajamas by lunch. In fact, Christian has been in his undies all day and it's 6pm!

Strattons said...

cooper, what a nerd!! Kaydee, I tagged you

Sherri said...

I'd live in my jamas if I could get away with it. It's been a bad habit around our house of staying in our pj's all day. I'll tell Lacee she needs to go get dressed and she'll say "why mom? you still have yours on." oops can't get away with anything around these kids they're too smart.