Monday, August 25, 2008

I haven't been as faithful to my blog as I would like, but we have been in Utah since Saturday, and it has been kind of crazy. Gracie had a doctors appointment today and another one tomorrow. Then we will be heading back home.

Today was like an early Christmas for me from Nate. I've been wanting a new camera, (yes I got one not to long ago) but I have been learning alot about photography and was feeling limited with my little point and shoot camera. Anyway today Nate bought me one. Yes you can say I am spoiled. I haven't had much time to play around with it yet but here are a few pictures of the kids playing at Grandma Karen's house.

I think that my two babies spent most of the time just in their diapers. For some reason, their clothes just kept on disappearing.


Sharon said...

Cute Pics! I'm jealous!!! fun class tonight, can't wait until next week!

Kat said...

Kaydee you are so talented! I love to see pictures of the kids. I was just talking to my client about you today and told her how you don't seem like my sister-in-law at all. That it seems like you've always been my real sister. Thanks for being so great! Luv ya!

Unknown said...

congrats again on the new camera - ya you're spoiled!! Thanks for doing my nails too!! such a talented little cookie you are!! cute posts and scrapbooking!!!!!!!

Amy N. said...

I LOVE Faith's hair! Cute Cute kids!